How do I know if my animal needs a chiropractic care?
The veterinary chiropractors are health professionals, who consider the animal with a global approach.
The goal is the maintenance and the recovery of the health through prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the mechanical pathology of the neuromusculosqueletic apparatus, the spine and the extremities.
Every animal can be checked and treated with chiropractic care, as it is easier to prevent a illness than to cure it once already established.
(Particularly before all physical efforts like events, jumps, races, driving, agility, etc)
At the appearance of the first symptoms:
Acute neck and back pain (lumbago)
Signs of pain when performing certain movements
Undefined lameness
Difficulties to get up
Irregularity of gait
Irregular wear of nails or shoes
Hypersensitivity to touch
Disobedience when jumping
Involuntary change of hand
Chronic and acute problems of motion